09 July 2010


I like blogo for its simplicity

mars edit

and this is mars edit, has some cool preview window going on, awesome.


so I'm trying out to blogging apps, this is blogo.

03 June 2010


Hello my readers
I know its been ages, but I got a new job that took me overseas to afghanistan.
My new job is IT based, and I love it. its the job I had to fly half way around the world to get according to Shivy who I would have been married to for a month or so by now. (another story for another time).
I know you all miss, I miss most of you.
Who has questions

26 April 2010

Thoughts of the AM

LOL, yes I'm really laughing

Women and words, they mean more to them than they really should.

My Thai friend has started a small obsession with black men (I'm not making matters for her any better by showing her BBC porn) I gave her a few movie recommendations as to see a good example with "why did I get married", and "why did I get married too". She's gotten to the point where she wants to see me in the nude, lol. I would, but the GF would loose her mind and end my life. I am claimed property in woman world.

Apple is playing with my emotions again. They took the money twice, and put it back twice. I'm just at the point where I will wait till this summer to get one when there in a wider availability and won't cause me grief.

I see that my two dominate groups of friends are the Dominicans and my Nigerians, in third comes the Thai , which only has one person in the group, but we chat enough for them to be on the scale.

Lets talk jobs on the table.
1.HS - I signed up for them ages ago and remain my top choice for all the options they offer.
2. Aerotek (Cliff, he's awesome) - various tech jobs in DC, its just a job, not looking for much from these types of positions with the five sided building.
3. Afghan - 97k - 100k+ for doing a contract job in afghan, not bad. One draw back, the Girly will miss me. Pro's out weigh the cons, I'm going if given the chance, I'll leave that decision to God and AEcom.
4. Tamp - Lockeed M. in tampa has me down, they haven't made any decisions, and as per normal, I'm not holding my breath.

My sponsoring parental unit is on me about signing up everywhere, but in baltimore, no one is hiring for the money or of worth here, so I have to go elsewhere. I'm sure she would love for me to work here for $11/hr as long as she doesn't have to pay someone to do her professionally kept yard. If you have seen my yard, you know u have to pay for it to look like that if you were someone else.

I would love to say its time for me to leave baltimore, but every time I see an opening, I'm denied. What does He/She have in store for me, I have no clue.

21 April 2010

Wednesday of CrockPottery

So Monday
we went to the 5th reg armories  job fair, no parking, so I used my mil id and parked inside. We went upstairs to a good turn out and what we found out later to be a poor selection of  jobs. If your looking for something low paying and dead end with the exception of the fire and police department, that was the place to be.

Tuesday - we did notta

Wed - Cliff woke me up (he's my aerotek recruiter) and asked me if I wanted a job doing tech stuff in bethesda/pentagon, I accepted. Hours later, the GF and I are in her pre screen for some job she applied to yesterday at the job fair. While I was out in the parking lot sleeping I got a call for AEcom, an overseas company, we chatted, all went well, lets see what happens. I still have another job still processing my paper work, but  I'm not holding my breath.

We shopped for food, I'm using both crock pots tonight to do tangy chicken and "to much cheese mac n cheese". So far as I write this, I'm cooking also. The mac n cheese is super creamy.

2morrow, I plan on doing more gardening, the GF and I are doing a starter flower garden, fun fun.

14 April 2010


apple is pissing me off, they will give up my iPad darn it.
we went to check out cars, used of course, and it was like so cool.
she sat me down to read her blog, it was all doom and gloom, she's not a happy person.
if anyone else were to sit down and read it, they would think I'm the worst boyfriend in the world.
Aerotek wants me to go to work at the navy yard, cool.
ARL hasn't called back yet, not really worried if they do.
Some other company wants me to go to Kings Bay, GA, thought that was pretty cool.
all in all with the gloomy gf, all is well.